About Me

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Austin, TX, United States
A poltical idealogy for me has really never been narrowed down into what "party" im in, but what situations I agree on from my experiences and the experiences I see happening to others around me. I could have a Liberal view on an issue but have a stance in a more conservative overall outlook. Personally, I have that general family you see on the movies.... one aunt is democratic, ones republican, ones so on and so forth. I was raised in the country riding horses, down south with a bunch of country folks. and then I lived in Austin, LA, Alanta, Georgia where the liberal side had come out in me. I am taking this class to get more of a basic understanding on the United States government and advance from there. Sadly enough, the majority of Americans do not know how our country runs, and how the government works and I happen to be in that majority! Hopefully soon I will be out! Current events to me happen to Rihanna and Angelina Jolie not to our laws, military or anything of that sort. I hope to learn, to grow, and grasp the idea on American government

Friday, April 15, 2011

Comments on a Colleagues Blog

In Melissa's Blog, she talks about the actions taken from Pastor Terry Jones of Florida who was outraged by the message of the Quran and cont. to burn it despite the interference from the Afghan Govnerment. The lives of American citizens over in Afghanistan were at risk as Pastor Jones expressed his ideas on American soil. Melissa states the selfishness of the American citizen and her dissapproval of his actions.

She continues to question his "Christianity" as his relegion too would not permit those kind of actions. I think this article was very informative, provided a students point of view on a event that most citizens would agree with her about. Her arguement and knowledge of the article was consise.

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