About Me

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Austin, TX, United States
A poltical idealogy for me has really never been narrowed down into what "party" im in, but what situations I agree on from my experiences and the experiences I see happening to others around me. I could have a Liberal view on an issue but have a stance in a more conservative overall outlook. Personally, I have that general family you see on the movies.... one aunt is democratic, ones republican, ones so on and so forth. I was raised in the country riding horses, down south with a bunch of country folks. and then I lived in Austin, LA, Alanta, Georgia where the liberal side had come out in me. I am taking this class to get more of a basic understanding on the United States government and advance from there. Sadly enough, the majority of Americans do not know how our country runs, and how the government works and I happen to be in that majority! Hopefully soon I will be out! Current events to me happen to Rihanna and Angelina Jolie not to our laws, military or anything of that sort. I hope to learn, to grow, and grasp the idea on American government

Friday, February 25, 2011

More drilling wont help!

In this editorial article,  USA Today is discussing one of the most popular and economically draining issues, Oil. Today, with the Libya and Egypt putting oil prices purchased by the United States up to a skyrocketing price of over $100 a barrel, we could be seeing gas prices at $5.00/gallon by summer of 2011. Not to mention, nearly half of America's deficit is from purchasing oversea oil of 1 billion dollars. What are we Americans to do when the government says more drilling will help? We can extend the dreading issue and continue in a visous circle when we know we cant use a nonrenewable resource forever? Ideas range from drilling in the Gulf of Mexico that will take years to produce any kind of kind of useful oil and nuclear plants which are no solution because they are expensive and take years to build.

President Obama has implemented a plan to adjust the regional and global issue by increasing vehicle efficiency,  the use of cleaner fuels and a higher investment in public transit. We Americans find the idea of using electric vehicles to be an idea that is far fetched. But this "far fetched idea" is being put to use as President Obama plans to have over 1 million electric on the road by 2015! This would cut  $4 billion dollars of "Big Tax loopholes" that would provide rebates to costumers and money to build rechargeable stations.

This uneven distribution of oil in the Middle east creating disparity of wealth and power; leaving a large gap between the rich and poor. The debt paid out by American citizens to always find new places to drill, and to invest so much in a source that can not be used for our great grandchildren, is a horrible investment. And to have war and lose the lives of our loved ones from a resource benefiting nothing is why " we must kick our oil habit before its too late."

Friday, February 11, 2011

Medicare Program open to fraud for Americans

Americas medicare and medicaid program is more than open to convicts taking full advantage of the prescription-drug program. In a recent report, it claims that Medicare cant verify all the prescriptions paid for leaving convicts open to make fake medical id numbers and even playing as dead medical doctors. In 2007, CMS showed nearly $1.2 billion paid for 18 million prescriptions with ID numbers that had been deactivated or unlisted in all drug classes. A solution is being made in the event that this problem will decease over time as the DEA (Drug Enforcement Administration) makes all "Schedule II" drugs which include heavy painkillers and highly addictive pharmaceuticals necessary to have a " DEA number or other valid prescriber identifier, spokesman Peter Ashkenaz said. Doctors must have a DEA number to prescribe Schedule II drugs." The DEA number on each prescription is anticipated to be highly effective as the number contains data to protect against potential fraud which can cost the taxpayers from $60 billion to $90 billion of our money! In the article provided by Wall Street Journal which explains this situation American taxpayers suffer with in a deeper manner. This article has much meaning to us as we can see problems are being resolved and acted on by the American government; instead of focusing on issues that have no resolutions at all which is shoved in our face every day by main stream media. Like to see a little sigh of relief when problems dealing with billions of dollars is being resolved... ahh...